Luka Koper Tariffs .pdf, 899 KB
Luka Koper Tariffs (from 1 Jan 2025) .pdf, 1,021 KB
General conditions of use of the E-commerce services .pdf, 72 KB
General Terms and Conditions .pdf, 458 KB
Tariff of Towage of Vessels .pdf, 76 KB
Tariff of Towage of Vessels (2025) .pdf, 152 KB
Tariff of Port Dues .pdf, 56 KB
Tariff Of Mooring and Unmooring of Ships .pdf, 69 KB
Truck parking rates P2 Sermin .pdf, 87 KB
Tariff for the waste collection and treatment .pdf, 85 KB
Tariff of Port Machinery and Vehicle Wash-Service .pdf, 145 KB
Tariff of obligatory waste-collection services for vessels_1.7.2024 .pdf, 131 KB
Tariffs for ship-generated waste exceeding the storage capacity .pdf, 183 KB
In accordance with Marpol Convention we are publishing the form Appendix 1– IMO Circular MEPC.1/Circ.469/Rev.1 for reporting alleged inadequacy of port reception facilities for ship-generated waste.
Submit your complaint through our simple form and help us improve our service.