A modern and sustainable crossroads connecting Slovenia to the world.

Koper Cruise Terminal welcomed its first cruise ship almost 20 years ago. Located in the immediate vicinity of the Old Town, it is an excellent starting point for discovering the Istrian hinterland and Slovenian sights on day trips. Due to its attractiveness, it soon became a very popular destination for cruises around the Adriatic and the Mediterranean. The number of cruise ship owners who have put Koper on their itinerary is growing year on year, as is the number of cruise ships that visit it.

More than one million tourists have already arrived in Koper by cruise ship, exceeding all expectations and the capacity of the current infrastructure at the cruise terminal. As the responsible operator of the passenger terminal, Luka Koper plc started planning the investment in the new passenger terminal. Accordingly, we have selected a contractor through a public tender to start construction works in autumn 2024, after the end of the main cruise season.

The new, modern passenger terminal will be visitor-friendly, will allow efficient delivery of port services and will be designed to fit in harmoniously with the local community. Above all, it will be designed to be sustainable, energy-efficient and made of recyclable materials. The passenger terminal is the first point of entry for foreign visitors to Slovenia. Its design will therefore communicate our commitment to sustainable business and our socially responsible orientation to care for future generations. At the same time, the facility will also be open to the general public, especially the local community, as part of the facility will be open to the city.

As planned, the new passenger terminal will open its doors to visitors in spring 2025.