Company information

Firm: Luka Koper, port and logistic system, public limited company
Short firm: Luka Koper, d. d.
Registered office: Vojkovo nabrežje 38, 6501 Koper
Tel.: 386 5 6656 100
Registration: Regional Court of Koper, reg. vol. 1/00322/00
Equity capital: 58.420.964,78 EUR
Called-up capital: 58.420.964,78 EUR
VAT ID no.: SI 89190033
Company ID no.: 5144353
LEI:  549300H1GO5N7BK34P37
Activity clasification: H (transportation and storage)
Membership in intnl. org. ESPOFeportsMedcruiseNAPA, MedPorts Association
Transaction account:
For residents: Intesa SanPaolo Bank, account no. SI56 1010 0000 0001 935
For non-residents: Intesa SanPaolo Bank, account no. 10100-0000001935; BIC code  BAKOSI2x;
IBAN SI56 1010 0000 0001 935
