27. 6. 2024
38th General assembly
Resolutions of the 38th General Meeting .pdf, 215 KB
Convocation of the 38th General Meeting of Shareholders .pdf, 225 KB
Explanation of proposed resolutions .pdf, 250 KB
Additional information .pdf, 105 KB
Registration and proxy authorisation .pdf, 112 KB
Appointment of a Works Council representative to the Supervisory Board (Slovenian only) .pdf, 173 KB
Statute changes (Slovenian only) .pdf, 273 KB
Criteria for determining the complexity of the companys business operations (Slovenian only) .pdf, 114 KB
Report on remuneration (Slovenian only) .pdf, 4 MB
Annual report 2023 .pdf, 25 MB
28. 6. 2023
37th General assembly
Resolutions of the 37th GMS .pdf, 178 KB
Convocation of the 37th GMS .pdf, 177 KB
Explanation of proposed resolutions .pdf, 214 KB
Additional information .pdf, 107 KB
Registration and proxy authorisation .docx, 18 KB
Remuneration policy (Slovenian only) .pdf, 345 KB
Criteria for determining the complexity of the company's business operations (Slovenian language only) .pdf, 844 KB
Report on the remuneration of the members of the management and supervisory bodies .pdf, 6 MB
Annual report 2022 .pdf, 15 MB
6. 6. 2022
35th General assembly
Resolutions of the 35th General Meeting of Shareholders .pdf, 120 KB
Report on legal proceedings against former members of the management board and members of the supervisory board (Slovenian only) .pdf, 6 MB
Consolidated agenda of the 35th GMS .pdf, 203 KB
Attachments - counter proposals and request for amended agenda (Slovenian only) .pdf, 3 MB
Convocation of the 35th GM .pdf, 163 KB
Proposed Resolutions .pdf, 149 KB
Additional Information .pdf, 105 KB
Annual report 2021 .pdf, 5 MB
Registration and proxy .docx, 18 KB
29. 6. 2021
34th General assembly
Consolidated text of the agenda .pdf, 117 KB
Request for additional item .pdf, 307 KB
Counter proposal VZMD .pdf, 822 KB
Counter proposal SDH .pdf, 144 KB
Convocation of the 34th General Meeting of Shareholders of LUKA KOPER, d.d .pdf, 108 KB
Explanation of Proposed Resolutions .pdf, 155 KB
Annual report 2020 .pdf, 16 MB
Additional Information for Shareholders .pdf, 71 KB
Remuneration policy .pdf, 199 KB
Registration Form/Proxy .doc, 76 KB
Rules of procedure .pdf, 179 KB
26. 8. 2020
33rt General assembly
Notice of resolutions .pdf, 96 KB
Conuter proposal - VZMD .pdf, 452 KB
Counter proposal - SDH .pdf, 928 KB
Convocation - Agenda .pdf, 99 KB
Substantiation of resolutions 33rd GM LK .pdf, 188 KB
Additional_information_on_GM .pdf, 69 KB
Policy on Emoluments of Management Board .pdf, 163 KB
Annual report 2019 .pdf, 17 MB
Announcement to Attend the GM .doc, 45 KB
28. 6. 2019
31st General assembly
29. 6. 2018
30th General assembly
5.6.2018 – Announcement of shareholders’ counter proposals, request to expand the agenda of 30th General Meeting of Shareholders of Luka Koper, d.d. and consolidated text of the agenda
In accordance with the Ljubljana Stock Exchange Rules and the legislation in force, the company Luka Koper, d.d. hereby publishes the following notification:
Based on Article 298, paragraph 3 and Article 300, paragraph 1 of the Companies Act the management board of the company Luka Koper, d.d. hereby announces:
- the counter proposal to resolution proposal under item 2.1 and the request to include a new item 3 on the agenda of the 30th General Meeting of Shareholders of the company LUKA KOPER, d.d. to take place on 29 June 2018, as submitted within the legal deadline on 29 May 2018 by the Slovenian Sovereign Holding (Slovenski državni holding, d.d.), Mala ulica 5, Ljubljana, on its own behalf as holder of 1,557,857 shares, corresponding to 11.13% of the company’s share capital, as well as on behalf of the Republic of Slovenia as holder of 7,140,000 shares, corresponding to 51% of the company’s share capital,
- the counter proposal to resolution proposal under item 2.1 of the agenda for the 30th General Meeting of Shareholders of LUKA KOPER, d.d., to take place on 29 June 2018, as submitted within the legal deadline on 1 June 2018 by the shareholder Small Shareholders’ Association of Slovenia (Društvo Mali delničarji Slovenije).
Based on Article 298, paragraph 4 of the Companies Act, the management board of the company Luka Koper, d.d. hereby announces the consolidated text of the agenda of the 30th General Meeting of Shareholders of LUKA KOPER, d.d. to take place on 29 June 2018.
Answers to shareholder's questions raised at the Company's 30th general meeting of shareholders .pdf, 260 KB
Notice on resolutions .pdf, 202 KB
Report_Material to Item 3 of the Agenda for the 30th GMS .pdf, 497 KB
Consolidated agenda of the 30th GMS of LUKA KOPER, d.d .pdf, 192 KB
SDH Counter proposal and new item (Slovenian only) .pdf, 1 MB
MDS Counter proposal (Slovenian only) .pdf, 286 KB
1. Convocation of the 30th General Meeting of Shareholders of LUKA KOPER, d.d .pdf, 185 KB
2. Explanation of Proposed Resolutions .pdf, 181 KB
3.Additional Information for Shareholders .pdf, 159 KB
4.Registration Form, Proxy .doc, 38 KB
Annual report 2017 .pdf, 7 MB
28. 12. 2017
29th General assembly
14. 12. 2017
29th General assembly - cancelled
The General Assembly for 14th December 2017 is cancelled.
30. 6. 2017
28th General assembly
Notice of resolutions of the 28th GA .pdf, 231 KB
Agenda - expanded .pdf, 216 KB
Request to expand the agendaTitle .pdf, 184 KB
Notice .pdf, 195 KB
ENGL_28_Dopolnjene dodatne informacije .pdf, 166 KB
Counter-proposal to item 4 .pdf, 170 KB
1_Convocation of the 28th General Meeting of Shareholders of LUKA KOPER d.d. .pdf, 203 KB
2_Explanations of proposed resolutions_28 GMS .pdf, 207 KB
Annual_report_2016 .pdf, 14 MB
3_Additional Information for Shareholders_28th GMS .pdf, 165 KB
Registration Form+Authorisation Form .doc, 36 KB
1. 7. 2016
27th General assembly
Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly .pdf, 163 KB
General Assembly Call and updated Agenda .pdf, 275 KB
General Assembly Call .pdf, 158 KB
Explanation of proposed resolutions .pdf, 166 KB
Annual report 2015 .pdf, 10 MB
Additional information for shareholders .pdf, 181 KB
Registration and proxy .doc, 35 KB